Justyna Lorkowska
You can find me here:
If you like my designs, you can also add me to your friends.
Happy knitting!
If you purchase 5 of my self-published designs at the same time (they need to be in the same cart), you will get the least expensive for free!
If you are a retailer interested in selling my patterns, please note that most of them are available through Ravelry’s In-Store Sales program.
For pattern support and questions about my designs please:
- visit lete’s Knits group first - it’s very likely someone’s already asked this question there,
- if you post a question earburn eledixon, who is my techeditor and can help you out faster, or
- email me at support(at)justynaknits.com, rather than message me.
If you’d like to ask me about collaborations or workshops, please email me at justyna(at)justynaknits.com. Contacting me via Ravelry messages is not reliable.
As of summer 2021, I also created a new yarn brand Cecily Grove Yarns. I dye the yarns myself and hope you find something you like in my small indie dye studio. Here’s the link to the online shop.
(If you’d like to carry my yarns in your LYS, please email me at contact(at)cecilygroveyarns.com)