Sandra Nesbitt

Sandra Nesbitt

I have a passion for demystifying complex techniques and making them accessible to knitters of all levels.

original designs

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Flower Lace Wrap
Simply Knitting 218, December 2021
Alexandria Mittens
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
If Fishes were Wishes
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Illusion Mosaic Squares
The Rainbow Rays
Design Your Own Panel
The Rainbow Rays
Co-joined squares
The Rainbow Rays
The Rainbow Rays
  • Star
  • The Rainbow Rays
The Rainbow Rays
Porto Cardigan
The Knitter, Issue 166
Batley T'rainbow
The Rainbow Rays
Striped Triangles
The Rainbow Rays
Harlequin Triangles
The Rainbow Rays
Fair Isle Checkerboard
The Rainbow Rays
Modular Metered Squares
The Rainbow Rays
Chevron Arrows
The Rainbow Rays
The Big Rainbow Knit Intro
The Rainbow Rays
Centre of my heart
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Lodore Falls Shawl
The Knitter, Issue 158
Flower Stars
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Autumn Cowl
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Splash Waves Wrap
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
The Knitter, Issue 156
The Knitter, Issue 156
The Knitter, Issue 155
Kilani Socks
The Feminine Touch Designs
Tulip tea set
Knit Now, issue 119, August 2020
Slip & Switch
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Compass Cove
The Knitter, Issue 152
Eddy Cowl
The Feminine Touch Designs
Delphic Wrap
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Confluence Scarf
Knit Picks Website
Cramond Bag
The Knitter, Issue 143
Flower Catcher Shawl
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Butterfly Kaleidoscope
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Hyacinth Cardigan
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Dusty Lilac
Simply Knitting 190, September 2019
Brioche Blossom Shawl
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Flopsy Dress
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Sweet Pinafore
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Playful Dungarees
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Swivel Gloves
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Pinnate Gloves
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
  • Jess
  • The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
  • Lollipop
  • The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
Onda de Calor
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
The Feminine Touch on Ravelry
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