Stefanie Pollmeier

Stefanie Pollmeier

original designs

Charleston Mitts
Knit Now, Issue 45, March 2015
Charleston Cloche
Knit Now, Issue 45, March 2015
Lindisfarne Hat
Knit Now, Issue 40, October 2014
Lindisfarne Cowl
Knit Now, Issue 40, October 2014
Harrisville Designs, Autumn 2014
The Woods Are Lovely
Knit Now, Issue 39, September 2014
Clotheshorse No. 6 Fall 2014
Roositud Sweater Dress
Knit Picks Website
Electric Popsicle Hat
Knit Now, Issue 31, February 2014
Mountain Quail Socks
Knit Now, Issue 30, January 2014
Harebell Lace Socks
Knit Now, Issue 29, December 2013
Seditious Stockings
Subversive Socks
Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 7: Winter 2013
  • Garland
  • Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 7: Winter 2013
Sneachda Tam
SweetGeorgia Yarns
Rio Gloves
Hitch: Patterns Inspired by the Films of Alfred Hitchcock
  • Rio Gloves
  • Hitch: Patterns Inspired by the Films of Alfred Hitchcock
Double Lace Rib Toe-up Socks
reWOLLuzza | reWOOLutionary Knits
Holla Knits
Marching Band Gloves
reWOLLuzza Design
Pillar Mitts
reWOLLuzza Design