184 metros by Pilar R. Mendez

184 metros

August 2016
Orenburg goat handspun
Lace ?
3 repeats = 4 inches
US 7 - 4.5 mm
197 - 219 yards (180 - 200 m)
English Spanish
This pattern is available for €4.00 EUR
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Este cuello es mi respuesta a qué se puede tejer cuando solo tienes una pequeñísima cantidad de una lana maravillosa. Mi amiga Tatiana me regaló un mini ovillo de lana de cabra de Orenburgo hilada con sus propias manos, 184metros de un hilo que solo pesaba 18g. La fibra es, con diferencia, lo más suave que he tocado nunca. Tremendamente agradable al tacto, suave y sedosa, con un aspecto parecido al del mohair pero no tan peludo. Tras varias pruebas conseguí tejer una prenda que le hiciera justicia, y conseguí escribir un patrón que se entendiera.

This cowl is my answer to what to knit with a very small amount of a wonderful yarn. My friend Tatiana gave me a tiny skein of her handspun Orenburg yarn. 184 meters of the softest yarn I’ve ever held in my hands, and it only weights 18grams! After several tests I managed to knit a piece of garment worth its beauty, and to write a pattern for it.

I’m aware Orenburg yarn is a hard to find luxury, but could be easily substituted by any other beautifully soft yarn like cashmere, alpaca or its silk blends, as long as you can get the right gauge.