Bedroom Magic by Les Editions de Saxe

Bedroom Magic

Thread ?
First 4 rounds of motif measure 6 cm in diameter
1.75 mm
21600 yards (19751 m)
108" (276 cm) on each side, not including fringes
English French

Bedspread consists of 144 motifs {A} and 121 motifs {B}. Motif A is 15 rows. Motif B is 7 rows. Stitches include single crochet, chain stitches, double crochet, shell stitches, twisted stitches, double treble crochet stitches and picots.

Fringes are made by folding 6 strands in half and knotting each fringe in chain loops and picots as shown in pattern.

Skill level = Challenging

Pattern 13 in Decorative Crochet.
Pattern 12, Rosettes, in 1000 Mailles.