Cropped box jacket by Vogue Knitting

Cropped box jacket

September 1952
W G Spinners Ltd Nylon-wool Botany Hand knitting 3 ply
yarn held together
Light Fingering
+ Light Fingering
= DK (11 wpi) ?
24 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in Pattern 1
US 6 - 4.0 mm
32 - 38 inch bust

Straight from shoulders to hem, box coat worked in double wool to ensure a thick yet soft fabric. Bias knitting makes a roll edge.

Tension is worked over main stitch:
1 - k2 (p1 k3) to last three stitches, p1 k2
2 - p1 (k1 p1)
3 - p1 (k3 p1)
4 - p1 (k1 p1)

Edging is used for entire border of jacket and cuffs, worked separately in loose bias:
Cast on 9
Work 4 rows stockinette
(k2 into first stitch k6 k2tog, 3 rows stockinette)