Mini Shift Dress by Claire Montgomerie

Mini Shift Dress

January 2011
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
960 - 1200 yards (878 - 1097 m)
small, medium, large

“The mini was king in “Swinging London” during the 1960s--both the must-have Mini Cooper car and the tiny skirts first designed mid-decade by Mary Quant. Usually A-line in shape or appearing as a sleeveless shift, the mini dress epitomized the decade and was worn by nearly every woman in the western world. The version here borrows the opulent velvety plum and burgundy colors of the fashion emporium Biba. Barbara Hulanicki, the founder of Biba, as with many of her contemporaries, was inspired by the rich shades of Victorian clothes and design, especially Art Nouveau, and this influence was evident in the era’s fashion and design.“

Any DK or sportweight yarn will work, according to the designer, but remember that pure silk or cotton may stretch with gravity, as it is heavier. Size 4 & 7 (US) straight needles and size 6 & 4 (US) 32-inch long circular needles are required.

The sizes range between 32 to 42 inches (81-107 cm).

The dress is knit in the main color from the hem up. There is a contrast-color yoke with Twisted Cable Rib accents. The shoulders are seamed, and stitches picked up around armholes & neckline for ribbing. The Twisted Cable Rib yoke is worked from a chart.

This pattern is in the 1960s section.