Triple Strand Throw by Michele Maks

Triple Strand Throw

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2008
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Aran
+ Aran
= Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
US 17 - 12.0 mm
3409 yards (3117 m)
51” x 66”
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Note: Throw is worked with 3 strands of yarn held together and worked as 1 strand throughout.

51” x 66”

TLC Essentials:
5 skeins 2981 Jungle (A)
7 skeins 2680 Eden Green (B)

Knitting Needles: 12.75mm (US-17) 29” circular needles

Gauge: 10 sts = 5½” ; 12 rows = 5” in pattern