With a Scarf for Smart Sportswear by Australian Women's Weekly

With a Scarf for Smart Sportswear

May 1934
Lincoln Mills 'super' 3ply
Light Fingering ?
8 stitches = 1 inch
in double moss stitch
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
1203 - 1312 yards (1100 - 1200 m)
32" bust
This pattern is available for free.

Materials: 4oz. Lincoln Mills “super,” 3-ply shade No. 600 (grey), 4oz. shade No. 205 (blue), 1 pair No. 12 needles. 1 pair No. 10 needles.

Measurements: Bust, 32in, length from shoulder to lower edge, 18in, length of sleeve from underarm, 20in.

Estimated yardage.

The tension calculates to 8 sts per inch.