This collection of knitting and crochet patterns is crafted by a talented group of designers and tech editors who have been trained by the knowledgeable Carol Ibbotson and her tech sidekick Paula Tadzik. They have nurtured us and empowered us to take the reins, enabling us to now return support to our community and The Cool Wool School.
Every contributor to this magazine is a proud graduate of the Cool Wool School. This magazine not only allows us to stay connected as a community but also to collaborate, build, and share our skills. Creating this magazine requires dedicated individuals willing to share their designs, which take many, many hours to perfect. Our tech editors meticulously check the patterns to ensure they are snag-free. The editorial team works to maintain a balanced and diverse content mix, and our web and social media team keeps the tech side running smoothly.
We’ve also made minor changes to the magazine’s layout. Pattern instructions are now presented in full-page width columns for easier reading and better usability on digital devices.