Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Pullover
Hraundrangi is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins at left side of body. On yoke, round begins on left side of body back where body joins sleeve. At the top of the body (back) are some ...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
------ English translation coming soon ----
Knitting: Pullover
Stapi is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the
Knitting: Pullover
The sweater Fornafit was designed for the movie Skjálfti (Quake) 2022.
Knitting: Pullover
---- The Pattern is in English translation ----
Knitting: Pullover
Stuðlaberg is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. At the top of the body (back) are some extra rows worked back and forth to make it higher at the back. The body is a bit cropped and has extra ease ...
Knitting: Bonnet
Knitting: Pullover
Peysan Eskil er prjónuð í hring neðan og upp. peysan er prjónið í sléttu prjóni með randamunstri og laskaúrtöku á axlastykki. Stroff neðan á bolog ermum ásamt hálslíningu eru með brugðningum, 1 lykkja slétt og 1 lykkja brugðin til skiptis.
Knitting: Pullover
Kaldagil is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. At the top of the body (back) are some extra rows worked back and forth to make it higher at the back. The body is a bit cropped and has an extra ease...
Knitting: Onesies
Efni og áhöld:
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl Vörðuklettur is worked top-down in garter stitch with stripes and elongated stitches and then bound off with a picot bind off. The elongated stitches form rock cairnes or “Vörður” in Icelandic. From early settlement Icelanders have made these rock cairnes as landmarks to guide them on their journeys through all kinds of weather in the...
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
This is a simple lace sock knit cuff down with a gusset heel and a “wide” toe. The pattern is an easy multiple of six stitches and four rows. The socks are simple and classic.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Kolluklettur is knitted from brim to crown in the round. After the brim the stitch count is increased and the main body of the hat is then knit following the colourwork chart. Centred double decreases shape the crown. The hat can be knitted in two heights, depending on your preference.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Niflheimar is a simmetrical shawl with a lot of fun bits for colorplay. The middle is knitted first and then the wings are knitted with picked up sts from each side, then you finish by knitting the border and bind off with a picot bind off. The shape is made by increases and decreases and each garter bit is divided with a convex stripe in a pop...
Knitting: Pants
These little baby pants “Aurvangur” are knitted seamlessly from ankle to waist. You start with knitting the legs, where the gusset is knitted at the same time, then you geather them to one circular needle and knit the seat of the pants. Short rows are worked at the seat area and the waist is knitted in generous ribbing at the top.
Knitting: Cardigan
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This shawl is design as a puzzle, you add a new piece seamlessly as the shawl grows. You can use three colours or more, all depending on your colour play. The written instructions helps you with a three and a nine colour version of the shawl. The samples of the shawl are shown in the three colour version in The Uncommon Thread Tough Sock for ne...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is knitted from top-down, back and forth, mostly in garter stitch. In the beginning it´s good to use the magic loop method when using the circular needle or use 3.5mm dpn´s.
Knitting: Pullover
Heljargjá is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins at left side of body. On yoke, round begins on left side of body back where body joins sleeve. At the top of the body (back) are some ex...
Knitting: Cardigan
Hvoll is a nearly-seamless yoke cardigan with a hood, Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke and the hood in the round. Round begins and ends with a purled st for the steek at front of body and hood. Use a sewing machine to sew over the purled sts in the front middle before cutting th...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is worked top-down in two different texture patterns. The lace edging at the bottom is worked vertically attaching every other row to each stitch of the shawl edge. The lower edge of the shawl is very wide, hence the circular needle must be long. The body of the shawl is mostly worked in 4 colors that fade from a light color to darker...
Knitting: Pullover
Snös is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the
Knitting: Pullover
Tindafell is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. The body is a bit wider at the bottom than the chest and at the top of the body (back) are some extra rows worked back and forth to make it higher th...
Knitting: Pullover, Cardigan
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round.
Knitting: Cardigan
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins and ends with a purled st for the steek at front of body. Use a sewing machine to sew over the purl sts before cutting the front opening. There is a waist shaping on the body.
Knitting: Pullover
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins on left side of body. On yoke, round begins on left side of body back where body joins sleeve. The sweater is worked from the wrong side in knitted stitches.
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
The back piece is worked back and forth from lower edge to neckline, then divided into two parts and the front pieces worked from shoulder down to lower edge. Sides are then sewn, and gaps for the sleeves left open. Sleeves are worked in the round from armhole to wrist. The pockets are knitted onto the front pieces in the end.
Knitting: Pullover
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins on left side of body. On yoke, round begins on left side of body back where body joins sleeve. The garment is shaped at the waist and the body is made longer on the back side than the front side before the yoke is knitt...
Knitting: Pullover
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins on left side of body. On yoke, round begins on left side of body back
Knitting: Pullover
The sweater is worked from the top down. First a neckline is made in ribbing and then the yoke is knitted. Stitches for the body are then joined in a circle and knitted down to bottom, while stitches for sleeves are place on scrap yarn. Then sleeves are knitted from armpit down to the wrists.
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Earflap Hat
Glóð er hlý og skemmtileg húfa fyrir litla fólkið okkar. Hún liggur vel upp að eyrunum og passar því vel uppá þau yfir köldustu mánuðina á Íslandi.
Knitting: Pullover
The Sweater in the picture is shown in Létt lopi (Lopi light) from Ístex.
Knitting: Cardigan
Julie dressed in wool / Júlía í Lopa is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves ar...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Enjoy your Watch fire :)
Knitting: Pullover
Fox is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves are then joined together and the fo...
Knitting: Pullover
Veðurfræðingurinn/weatherman is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves are then j...
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Pullover
Raven is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves are then joined together and the ...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
Body is worked back and forth with St st. Sleeves are knitted in the round. At underarms, body and sleeves are joined to work the yoke neckline and hood back and forth. Raglan shaping is in yoke. The edging (I-cord edge) is made afterwards with double Einband.
Knitting: Pullover
Særós is a nearly-seamless yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves are then joined together and the ...
Knitting: Pullover, Cardigan
þula is a nearly seamless yoked sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up. The sweater body is worked in the round in one piece. The sleeves are also worked in the round with increases. A few stitches are put on yarn holder for the underarm and later grafted together using kitchener stitch. Body and sleeves are then joined together and the ...
Knitting: Headband
--- Only in Icelandic
Knitting: Cardigan
Body and sleeves are worked in the round from lower edge to underarms, then joined to work the yoke in the round. Round begins and ends with a P st for the steek at front of body. The front opening is cut open.
Knitting: Pants, Onesies
Only in Icelandic!
Knitting: Pullover
This pattern is only in Icelandic!
Knitting: Pullover
---- English version coming soon ---