My designer and Instagram name is yamagara
I design knitwear through a thoughtful process that begins with an understanding of the yarn and the story behind it. Some of my ideas simply come from the yarn. Other times, I combine inspirations from nature, culture, memories, self-reflection, art and architecture. I enjoy creating interesting construction, details and engaging knitting process. I try my best to write instructions that are clear and easy to follow.
Besides designing knitwear, I’m a potter, and I teach art in my home studio. I live in Singapore with my husband and daughter.
If you would like to subscribe to my newsletters to receive news and exclusive discounts, please find the form on my website. There you can also find an option skip PayPal and purchase my patterns directly with your credit card.
Pattern support: contact form
Website: yamagaraknits.com
Ravelry Group : Yamagara Knits
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amirisu Spring/Summer 2022, Issue 24

- Shophouse Tee
- amirisu Spring/Summer 2022, Issue 24
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