Thankful Hands KAL by Connie Davis

Thankful Hands KAL

DK (11 wpi) ?
10 stitches and 11 rows = 2 inches
US 8 - 5.0 mm
231 - 300 yards (211 - 274 m)
Basically one size; but flexible by yardage used.
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

Thanksgiving Week KAL with FiberArtWork group.
Thank you for taking this journey with us.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This item will be a beautiful wardrobe addition for indoors or out. Though it will probably not provide head cover; it will definitely protect the back of your neck from those pesky chills that sneak in. Either from a sudden North wind or while sitting at your desk. At the same time, the pretty lacy front panels will lay beautifully at your neckline, complimenting your jacket or the perky outfit you chose to wear today.

This ascot style cowl will compliment both casual & party outfits, keeping you warm; but not over heated, while adapting in a moments notice to outerwear, to go perfectly with your jacket, too. Quick to knit up, the back section can be done almost in your sleep. A perfect last minute gift item

Blocking will be an integral part of the fit of this item. The sections are worked by weight, so the center will use the grams/ounces that are left from front. Use a yarn that relaxes well & blocking can really increase its length.

We have so many things to be thankful for.
To be able to prepare a meal with friends & family.
To hold a child, to hug a friend.
The ability to be able to give to others, gifts from our own hands.
The list is unending & I am thankful for so much in my own life.
It is my prayer you will be blessed & thankful
as you knit this quick, versatile style cowl; maybe more.
So you can use one, then
give the others as a blessing to someone else.

The gauge is not really important, more of a guide.
You can use any DK yarn, you want one that relaxes well in blocking.
I used 176 ~ 6/0 beads in the original version (88 for each repeat)
I am currently working a second w/o beads in Swish DK, it will take 3 skeins. Doing 3 buttonholes & will be gifted, so I want it to be worryfree, it is going to a non-knitters home.

  1. You could opt out of buttonholes for a pretty shawl pin. (Will do a pic later today showing this option)
  2. When making a gift one, choose a machine wash/dry yarn if NOT going to a knitty family. Also, you will want a yarn with enough yardage to make the neck are at least 16” without blocking. Keep in mind they may not have the equipment or knowledge to block. This is something I always think about when gifting any knit item. This way they can enjoy you hugs without worry.

(ADDED NOTE: When decreasing I divided into two groups of 35. Knit 3, k2t; then, (k2, k2t)across, skipping the last couple. Repeat for the next group of 35. Also, the center cable does not line-up with the center decreases of front & back, while knitting, this can be adjusted during blocking. If you would like it centered. Thank you kindly for the questions. )