Amy P Swanson

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Marigold is a lacy stole that is knit in June Cashmere fingering weight yarn on US size 7/4.5 mm needles. The result is a stole that is light as air, and a project that knits up quickly.
Knitting: Headband
This reversible headband is knit in the round in June Cashmere DK weight yarn on a US size 6/4mm needle. Knit and slip stitches create colorwork on one side and single-color texture on the other. A provisional cast-on and Kitchener Stitch bind-off give a professional finished edge.
Knitting: Cowl
The All-day Cowl is knit in the round from one skein of June Cashmere DK yarn. Cable
Knitting: Scarf
Steppingstones Scarf is knit flat from end to end in basic lace stitches with spots of stockinette stitch peppered in for interest. Slipped stitches create finished side edges. Finished dimensions: 6.75”/ 17 cm width, 51”/ 129.5 cm length.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Wanderer is knit flat from end to end in stockinette stitch. Simple rows of lace zigzag along the length of the wrap’s sides, while slipped stitches create finished side edges.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The hat is worked in the round from the bottom up in shaped, 1 x 1 twisted rib columns with purled sections between. Decreases in the purl sections shape the crown and a long tail is threaded through the final stitches to close the top of the hat. Instructions are written and charted.
Knitting: Scarf
Deco Scarf is knit flat from end to end using twisted 1 x 1 ribbing and purl stitches. Slipped stitches create finished side edges. The twisted stitch ribbing is shaped at each end to narrow into the scarf’s main fabric.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Mitts are knit in the round on double pointed needles using loop stitches for the cuff stitch pattern. The mitt hand is constructed in stockinette stitch with thumb gusset increases beginning at the base of the thumb. Thumbs are constructed by separating stitches from the hand and placing them on waste yarn while finishing the hand body, then r...
Knitting: Scarf
Pebbles scarf is knit flat from end to end. Slipped stitches create finished side edges. Ends feature decorative loop stitch pattern and main body is knit in 1 x 1 ribbing.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Knit in the round, these fingerless mitts feature a