Maria Näslund
I learned to knit from my grandmother as a young child. I’ve played around with most textile crafts, I have worked as a seamstress and as a fashion designer. Nowadays I work with graphic design, and I knit.
I’m a devoted sockaholic who is starting to get addicted to lace. Since I can’t keep to a pattern, I create my own. Here are some of them.
If you’d like to see what I’m up to at the moment, take a look at my projects.
If you have questions about my patterns, just want to hang out, or want to have a preview and a chance to testknit new patterns, join us at the Sticketyg group.
I’m sure you are aware of this already, but for the sake of clarity:
Due to the nature of downloadable patterns, all sales are final. If you have any questions, please be sure to ask before you buy (either in the group or in a ravelry message).
Lingerie socks KALs
There has been KALs over at Beginning Lace Knitters Group in English, in German at virusanfällige weiber group and in Dutch in the group Sokkenbreien. If you have a question, you can probably find the answer there!