Kristina Vilimaite

eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook : 3 patterns

The e-book consists of three quick to knit cowl patterns. Using the Friends Will Be Friends pattern you can also work a triangular shawl.

eBook : 5 patterns

My daughter (yes, DD stands for Dear Daughter and I love her so much) is 14 now and I am very proud that she still wears my knits a lot. Even if that means I do not have a chance to sport them myself…

eBook : 7 patterns

This e-book contains seven patterns from my Ravelry store. For various reasons these knits are more often on me than others - mainly because I find their shapes very convenient, also because of colour and yarn, and I also have some good memories “knit into them”. One of the patterns is actually for a cowl (Friends Will Be Friends), but instructions are included how to work the shawl using the same pattern.

eBook : 2 patterns

The e-book consists of two patterns: Aglow shawl and Aglow Mittens.

eBook : 1 pattern

The e-book will contain 8 patterns in total: Lavender Bracelet and a matching shawl, hat and fingerless mitts, as well as another set of matching accessories (shawl, hat and fingerless mitts), and it will also include a surprise pattern. You can see the other flower pattern here: Poppies Shawl.

eBook : 2 patterns

I love matching accessories. Maybe you also do. Therefore I put together this e-book with three accessories that harmonise with each other. Also, there will be some icing on a cake. Everybody who purchase the e-book will be able to join a whimsical Mystery Knit-A-Long for a knit that will also match the three accessories.

eBook : 6 patterns

Join the Mystery Knit-A-Long: If you own the Friendship e-book, A Secret Friend MKAL that starts on February 22, 2022, is a bonus for you at no extra cost. Follow the instructions in the first pattern page, that you automatically receive in the e-book.

eBook : 8 patterns

We moved to a house with an inner garden at the end of the summer. I am so impatient to see how seeds sprout in spring, how plants grow and blossom. It is a feeling similar to the one I experience when casting on for a shawl and hoping it will be a beautiful one. This collection is also a tribute to those inner gardens that are inside me and inside you - to those secret places where our feelings and desires grow, get watered, and bring fruits.

eBook : 6 patterns

This collection celebrates the ever-existing light inside of us, and also the lightness I feel when knitting beautiful things.

eBook : 3 patterns

There are three patterns of mittens in this e-book. All the mittens are made of two layers: outer lace mitten and inner warm mitten. The outer lacy mittens can be taken off to protect them from the harsher impacts of winter, e.g., if you fancy a snow battle.

eBook : 7 patterns

This e-book contains seven lacy patterns. If you are new to lace you can start with Self-Acceptance. Naked Gardening and Inner Smile are also shawls I would recommend for intermediate knitters, but if you are adventurous, you can manage any of those in the collection.

eBook : 6 patterns

When we knit, we have time to recall some pleasant experiences, and kind of “knit them into the fabric”. Later, when the shawl is worn, it can work as a reminder to seek for, experience and cherish those moments. Each of the shawls in this e-book is named after precious moments, so the shawls can catch them for you. Or for the people you love, if you decide to knit a shawl for them as a present. 

eBook : 3 patterns

“Buy 2 get 3” promotion is running till August 15, 2020: add 3 patterns and/or e-books from my Ravelry store to your cart and the least expensive of the three will automatically be free for you.

eBook : 3 patterns

Are you maybe looking for something different, something interesting to try?

eBook : 5 patterns

This e-book contains five patterns from my Ravelry store with the most projects and likes (as this stands in summer 2024).

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Bracelet
This tiny knit featuring a portrait of lavender in a beaded medallion is all you desire when you need the fastest present to knit, or want to bring a bit of beaded glamour into your life, or when your knitting mojo only lasts for a really small knit.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is an asymmetric triangle with some garter, slipped stitches (mosaic) simple lace, and easy short rows.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
“It was the most interesting shawl pattern I’ve ever knitted,” wrote reaung, who was one of test knitters for this shawl. (See more quotes from test knitters below.)
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The 3D stitch pattern is similar to the one I used in the Photography Shawl, however knitting this one is easier. The shawl is worked sideways in one piece. Both ends of the shawl have narrow tips, so you cast on a few stitches and bind off just one stitch.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The pattern is one of 5+1 patterns from the Friendship e-book.
Knitting: Cowl
The stitch pattern contains many double lines that run in paralel, for me they remind that a real friendship binds people together, doesn’t even matter how rarely we meet. The cowl is also a very fast knit if you want a gift for a friend.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The pattern is the second of 5+1 patterns from the Friendship e-book.
Knitting: Cowl
The pattern is the first of 5+1 patterns from the Friendship e-book.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Estonica Shawl is crescent shaped, but because of increases both in the body of the shawl and at the edges, the shape is deeper than that of typical crescent shaped shawls. Knitting starts at the neck with just a few stitches. Stockinette body with four lines of decorative increases grows into a band of the beautiful Estonian lace stitches, fin...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
What will bring you joy today, this week, this month? What things are on your happiness list? Have you planned for some simple pleasures, for example, a meeting with a friend or an occasional hour of knitting with abandon? This shawl is one of the “moment catchers”, so you can knit some memories of joyful moments “into the fabric”, and when the...
Knitting: Cowl
At first look you may think this neck warmer is a shawl, but take a closer look — there are no dangling tips! It is a cowl that is worked flat on bias starting with just a few stitches. Knitting continues with simple shaping, bold lace, stripes, and picot bind off. The I-cord selvage is worked at the same time as the body and hides the yarn whe...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
When you knit this shawl remember moments when you felt and expressed affection towards your child, parent, sibling or friend. If you “knit them into” the fabric of the shawl, the shawl can later serve as a reminder to notice your tender feelings towards others. If you knit this for a present, what can be a better gift than a shawl literally fu...
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Leaves with beaded stems growing out of ribbing into a reverse stockinette background — simple and decorative at the same time and reminds of the things made by the artists of the Viennese Secession movement (the Austrian Art Nouveau).
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
While knitting this shawl, remember the moments in your life when you felt at peace. If you “knit them into” the fabric of the shawl, the shawl can later serve as a reminder to notice such peaceful moments in your everyday life, and to create them for yourself.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
If you feel like, try something when knitting this shawl: just be in the here and now. Focus on the pleasure of feeling the yarn sliding through your fingers, the beauty of colours, the satisfaction of movement in itself. For me, the effect of experiencing this reality is so strong and satisfactory that I call it sudden bliss. That is the bliss...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There is definitely a direct connection between well-being and self-acceptance. It feels good to practice it for sure. If you want, while knitting this shawl, you can focus on self-acceptance: once you hear your inner critic, say to it that whatever you did, was the best thing you could do in that situation. Savour this state of acceptance, “kn...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Everything in my Ravelry store is
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
I love ribbing. It creates fabric that is like a perfect hug: it can get very close to my skin but at the same time it leaves me as much space to breathe as I need. And doesn’t a good hug have some colour? Two beautiful yarns are hugging each other in this shawl. Now think of your best friend hugging you — what colours come to your mind?
Knitting: Cowl
This exciting cowl has a nice curve both at the top and at the bottom edges and looks like a shawl when worn. That is very convenient when you do not have to care about shawl tips getting into your food.
Knitting: Cowl
Simplicity and decorativeness united in this cowl reminds of the Viennese Secession movement (the Austrian Art Nouveau). While worn the cowl looks like a shawl, but it is more practical as there are no dangling points to get into your food or cooking. My all time favourite Secession shawl is the inspiration for this cowl.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This laceweight shawl is worked entirely in the round but surprisingly, its shape is a beautiful crescent. Bird’s eye lace is so easy to knit when all stitches are worked on the right side.
Knitting: Cowl
This is a sister of Tulippa shawl, useful for such occasions when dangling shawl tips are not desired.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is an asymmetric crescent, with some garter, some simple lace, and easy short rows. The shawl can be beaded.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
An unexpected glimpse of gold on a garland of leaves, unification of simplicity and decorativeness. Klimt from Viennese Secession movement (which was the Austrian Art Nouveau) would approve of it.
Knitting: Mittens
Interspersed with rows of dandelion stitch these mittens can be playful if worked from laceweight yarn in different colours or really sweet if you choose a single colour yarn. The laceweight fabric only forms the outer layer and covers inner mittens in aran weight that keep the wearer’s hands warm. The outer lacy mittens can be taken off to pro...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Tulippa is a blue-haired girl who lives in a tulip in one of Tove Jansson’s books about Moomins. She saves Moomins from a huge snake by igniting a bright light at the right moment. Children’s stories nurture hope that everything in the world turns right at the end, don’t they?
Knitting: Mittens
Red apples still hanging on a snowy tree — an amazing but rare sight. Almost as rare as beaded lace-weight mittens. The lace only forms the pretty outer layer — thick inner mittens are under them to keep the wearer’s hands warm. The outer lacy mittens can be taken off to save them from the harsher impacts of winter, e.g., if you fancy a snow ba...
Knitting: Mittens
These mittens are like a glowing window frost, so lacy, thin, and delicate. Beads sparkle on them like little ice crystals. However, thick inner mittens are there to keep the wearer’s hands warm. The outer lacy mittens can be taken off to save them from the harsher impacts of winter, e.g., if you fancy a snow battle.
Knitting: Cowl
I love wearing shawls, but it is no fun when a tip of one dangles into my food or gets into my cooking. So here is my Seeds to Flowers shawl tipless, converted to a cowl, which nevertheless has a nice curve both at the top and at the bottom edges. Call it a scowl.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This shawl will get you wrapped in nature — just watch while you knit how roots and leaves appear, and strive towards the light to go to seed.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
While knitting the shawl you will follow the growth of lilies of the valley from underground towards the sky. The knitting starts with just a few stitches and soon you “plant” bulbs that give life to the blooms. You may add some beads when knitting flowers to glitter as dew drops. After you knit enough of plants, the Sun starts rising and sets ...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
No, I don’t garden naked. And no, for now I have no plans to start. But if I do, one day, I would still wear a shawl ;)
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This wide and long stole is cosy and dreamy at the same time. It showcases waves, cockleshells, sea foam and amber drops — like a beautiful sea.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
You will be knitting a flower garden. In the beginning you work a bit of stockinette adorned with a decorative border. And then the magic starts. You plant some beads for seeds, and as you knit they sprout into stems, then leaves of Japanese lace start growing. Then Estonian lace buds appear to open into fully blossoming flowers sprinkled with ...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Lilac flowers usually have four petals. When I was a kid we were searching for a flower that had more petals — for Luck Lilac. If you found one, you could make a wish.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is slightly crescent shaped and is available in three sizes. S size is quite small and would be ideal for a child to wear, while the wing span of L is more than two meters (84 inches). According to the same instructions you can work an airy shawl from lace weight yarn and a more substantial one from fingering weight.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
For detailed information about measurements of the finished shawls, yarn amounts needed for different sizes etc. please download the first two pages of the pattern: preview pages. The pattern is fully written out and charted.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
For detailed information about measurements of the finished shawls, yarn amounts needed for different sizes etc. please download the first two pages of the pattern: preview pages. The pattern is fully written out and charted.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Anybody who posts a picture of a finished Stray Cat shawl posing-as-a-cat to the Stray Cat Photo Gallery thread will get a pattern of their choice from my Ravelry Store.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
For detailed information about measurements of finished shawls, yarn amounts needed for different sizes, gauge for DK weight shawl etc. please download the first two pages of the pattern: preview pages. The pattern is fully written out and charted.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is a triangle worked from the top down. It is available in four sizes: S if knit from light fingering yarn weight, M from fingering, L from sport, and XL if knit from DK. Any yarn that can be blocked is suitable for this project. Solids and semi-solids are the best for this shawl as variegated yarn would obscure the stitch pattern.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Icy Rivulet Shawl reminds of thawing spring waters or one of those creeks that remain running even in the middle of cold winters. The lace section resembles the thin porous ice that forms on the sides of the rivulets on sunny winter days. The ruffles of the shawl look like shallow water running down stones.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Hana shawl is a cozy and elegant shawl or wide scarf suitable both for wearing inside when extra warmth is needed, and for country walks. The shawl combines a thick rib of twisted stitches with lace, which is reminiscent of flowers growing in high grass. Inspiration for the lace pattern comes from Japanese stitches, hence the name of the sh...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is a triangle worked from the top down. It is available in three sizes (S, M and L) with suggested yarn amounts and measurements in fingering, sport, DK and worsted yarn weight. Any yarn that can be blocked is suitable for this project. The shawl was knit from silk, linen, wool and wool mixes with good results. Solids and semi-solids ...
Knitting: Toy Food
It is not really a pattern, it is a recipe. The pasta can be used in a pretend play as spaghetti. We had a lot of fun feeding soft toys with this pasta with my 1.5 years old daughter.